Be a member, stay a member

Stay connected with the Orland Alumni Association and register your membership today. 

Not a Member?
If you are an OHS alumni and are not currently an OAA member, please take this opportunity to join us!

OAA Membership Benefits and Activities

• Newsletter: The annual 20+ page newsletter is mailed to all OAA members. It is a great source of information about fellow alumni, OAA activities, class reunions, and Orland’s current events.

• Annual Dinner: You will receive an invitation to attend the annual dinner meeting which honors one or more Alumnus of the Year featuring special guest speakers.

• Golden Grads: A biennial reunion is hosted by the OAA for our Golden Graduates - all OHS alumni who have celebrated their 50th-year graduation anniversary.

• OAA Official Web Site: Our web site is under construction and is being completely rebuilt and updated. Members may now register or renew online! Future resources may include access to real-time information, ability to purchase OHS Trojan sportswear, and interactive communication with other alumni. Your suggestions are welcome.

Complete the form below or download the Membership Application

2020 Membership Application