Sec.1. To perpetuate school friendships.

Sec. 2. To encourage students to continue their education by promoting scholarships.

Sec. 3. To promote and assist with class reunions.

Sec. 4. To provide information about alumni and Orland High School.

Sec. 5. To stimulate continued interest in our alma mater.

Article II NAME

This association shall be known as the Orland High School Alumni Association. (OAA)


Sec. 1. All graduates may become regular members.

Sec. 2. All OHS teachers, staff and interested persons, may become associate members.

Sec. 3. A person marrying a graduate or teacher may become an associate member.

Sec. 4. Any person having attended the Orland High School for one year or more may become an associate member.

Sec. 5. Honorary memberships shall be granted at the discretion of the Board of Directors.


Sec. 1. The officers shall be President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, Newsletter Editor, and Executive Secretary.  The duties of these officers shall be established in the bi-laws.

Sec. 2. There shall be a Board of Directors consisting of the above officers, the immediate Past President and Class Directors.  The President will be the chairman of this Board.  The Board of Directors shall transact all business for the Association between the Annual Meetings.

Sec. 3. Only regular members shall be eligible to hold any of the offices in Article IV, Sec. 1 and 2, except the Executive Secretary.  No person may hold an elective office and be a Class Director at the same time.

Sec. 4. Class Directors will be selected by their classes in any manner desired.  If no Class Director is chosen, the President or the Board of Directors shall appoint a member of the designated class to fill the vacancy. (see by-laws)


The President shall appoint a nominating committee of three members from the Board of Directors, at least sixty days before the Annual Meeting.  The committee shall present at the Annual Meeting a slate of candidates for the offices to be filled. Additional nominations may be made from the floor.  The nominees for President must have served on the Board of Directors for at least one year prior to nomination.


Sec. 1. The President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected at the Annual Meeting. The Historian, Newsletter Editor and the Executive Secretary shall be appointed by the Board of Directors at the time of the Annual Meeting each year to serve at the pleasure of the Board of Directors.

Sec. 2. A majority of all votes cast shall be necessary to elect.


Sec. 1. The Annual Meeting of the Alumni Association shall be held on the date, the hour and place to be designated by the Board of Directors.

Sec. 2. Special meetings may be called by the President, with seven days notice, published in the local press.

Sec. 3. Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held bi-monthly. This may include the Annual Meeting

Sec. 4. All Alumni Association meetings shall be open to the public.


The President shall appoint two auditors who shall examine and audit the books of the Association and report to the Board of Directors prior to the Annual Meeting of the Association.


Revenue identified as specific donations for scholarship purposes (including memorial donations) will be invested for maximum return based on a majority vote by the Board of Directors. Accounting records will be maintained which identify all transactions involving scholarship money. Annual scholarship(s) will be presented utilizing all interest and dividends paid to the Orland Alumni Association earned by these investments, except that amounts may be rounded off upward to even amount(s) using resources from the General Fund of the Association.


This Constitution may be amended by a majority vote of the members present at any Annual Meeting, provided that the proposed amendment shall have been submitted in writing to the Board of Directors at least three months prior to the Annual Meeting.

Revised December 9, 1993, and presented to the Board of Directors for first reading and accepted by the Orland Alumni Association Members at the Annual Dinner on March 26, 1994.


Article I. Duties of Officers

Section 1.   It shall be the duty of the President to:

A. Preside at all meetings.

B. Act as chairman of the Board of Directors.

C. Appoint committees of the Orland Alumni Association, including but not limited to, Alumni of the Year, Budget, Golden Grads, Membership, Scholarship and Undergraduate Scholarship.

D. Select Directors-At-Large and fill vacancies.

E. Act as ex-officio member of all committees.

Section 2.  It shall be the duty of the First Vice-President to:

A. Preside at meetings in the absence of the President.

B. Act as Parliamentarian at all business meetings.

C. To oversee Homecoming activities for both the adult and high school groups; and to see that the chairs and committees function as needed.

Section 3It shall be the duty of the Second Vice-President to:

A. To serve as liaison between investment companies and OAA to oversee the investment of funds for the OAA perpetual scholarship with an annual review and approval of the board of all transactions.

B. To work with the Treasurer in handling funds for the purpose of investments for scholarships, keeping all OAA funds identified.

  1. To oversee the Annual Dinner preparations and to see that chairs and committees function as needed; and to work with the appointed chairperson of the Alumnus of the Year Committee, with all decisions subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.

Section 4It shall be the duty of the Secretary to:

A. Keep minutes of the Annual Meeting and the Executive Board meetings.

B. Maintain records of the business of the OAA.

C. Handle correspondence pertaining to OAA.

D. Notify members of the Executive Board of all meetings.

E. Publish notice of special meetings in the local press at least five (5) days prior to the meeting.

F. To send acknowledgments and handle any correspondence for scholarship donations.

Section 5.  It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to:

A. Maintain a record of money received and disbursed by the OAA.

B. Deposit money received by the OAA in the Association's bank account.

C. Authorized to pay all bills up to $200. Bills over $200 require a second signature.

D. To work with the Second Vice President in handling funds for the purpose of investments for scholarships.

Section 6.  It shall be the duty of the Historian to:

A. Maintain current historical files for the Association including whatever additions become available.

B. Collect OHS yearbooks and other publications and pictures and memorabilia which may be of interest to OAA, and to display as appropriate.

Section 7.  It shall be the duty of the Newsletter Editor to gather current news of alumni, school and community and to publish an annual newsletter.

Section 8.  It shall be the duty of the Executive Secretary to:

A. Establish and maintain a file of Orland High School graduates and a mailing list of paid-up members.

B. See that the Constitution and By-laws are adhered to.

C. Maintain an awareness of resources.

D. Be responsible for upkeep of alumni building.

E. Promote and assist class reunions.

Article II. Class Directors

Section 1. A Class Director shall be appointed to serve on the Board of Directors during their reunion year as follows:







and a representative from the graduating class at OHS appointed during the Spring of their Junior year.

Section 2. The President with the Board of Directors shall appoint as many as four Directors-At-Large.

Section 3. Class Directors may be chosen in any manner that the class prefers, or may be appointed by the Board of Directors.

Section 4. The duties of the Class Directors shall be as follows:

A. Attend OAA meetings.

B. Serve on committees for OAA.

C. Represent OAA at class reunions, advising classes of resources available through OAA and promoting OAA membership.

D. Be responsible for seeing that a write-up on class reunion is given to Newsletter Editor.

Article III. Board of Directors

Section 1. The Board of Directors shall meet bi-monthly. This may include the Annual Meeting.

Section 2. A special meeting may be called by the President.  Members must have at least five days prior notice, and a notice shall be published in the local press at least five days prior to the meeting.

Section 3. The Historian, Newsletter Editor, and the Executive Secretary shall be appointed by the Board of Directors.

Article IV. Dues

Section 1. The dues for both regular and associate members shall be $5.00 for one year, $10.00 for five years and $20.00 for ten years. Only members who have paid their current dues shall be entitled to hold office or vote.

Article V. Remuneration

No officer or Director shall receive any compensation for services to the OAA.

Article VI. School Relations

The Board of Directors shall work closely with the District Superintendent, the Principal of the High School, Student Council Advisor, Class Advisors and the other faculty members of Orland High School.

Article VII. Parliamentary Procedure

Roberts Rules of Order shall be the authority.

Article VIII. Scholarships

A perpetual scholarship fund has been established wherein revenue identified as specific donations for scholarship purposes (including memorial donations), will be invested for maximum return based on a majority vote by the Board of Directors. Accounting records will be maintained which identify all transactions involving scholarship money. Annual scholarship(s) will be presented utilizing all interest and dividends paid to the Orland Alumni Association earned by these investments, except that amounts may be rounded off upward to even amount(s) using resources from the General Fund of the Association. Such scholarships shall be awarded to one or more members of the current graduating class of Orland High School. The Board of Directors may request the Orland Community Scholarship Association to select the Orland Alumni Association Scholarship recipient according to the provisions of its Association provided its requisites for receipt of such scholarship are as selective as the Orland Alumni Association's standards which are stated as follows:

A. Eligibility: Any Orland High School student who is in the current graduating class, and who is in the upper fifteen percent of the graduating class academically, shall be eligible to apply for the scholarship.

B. Application: Shall consist of a personal interview with the Committee, a high school transcript, list of activities engaged in during the high school years, and a letter describing the applicant’s goals, his needs, and other awards applied for.

C. Selection:  The Committee shall consider ability, need, and probable social value of the individual.

Article IX. Amendments

The Board of Directors may amend the By-Laws.  A proposed amendment shall be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors at least three months prior to Board action.

Article X. General Guidelines

  1. OAA pays for the bulk mailing permit every other year; the School District pays for it the next year.

B. OAA does not engage in projects just to make money, nor do we make donations.

C. OAA purchases a yearbook annually.

D. A full-page ad in the OHS yearbook may be purchased annually.

E. Any printing costs will be at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

F. Sub-guidelines are established for choosing Speaker at the Annual Dinner and for selecting Alumnus of the Year.

Revised and presented to the Board of Directors 11/14/07.  Approved by unanimous vote of Board of Directors and took effect 2/20/08.